"On The Lamb" is out NOW!

Our new EP, "On The Lamb," is officially out! Today marks the culmination of over a year of writing and recording for our follow-up to "Plaidypuss," and we couldn't be happier with the results.

These songs mean a lot to us, and you will notice a shift in style and genre for a few of the songs. We like to experiment with our sound, and try some new stuff. We (Brian, EJ, and Jenna,) are very excited for you all to hear this album (I'm sure anyone who has hung out with Brian has been force-fed the songs at least once), and can't wait to hear what you all think of it!

So bring it on down to our BandCamp page and listen to the whole album for free now! For a limited time, "Wanderlust" will be FREE to download! Be sure to favorite the album, and please support local music with a contribution, if you haven't yet. Making music is a wonderful, rewarding endeavor, but it is not cheap.

Thank you all for supporting us, and we look forward to our future as a band.

Thank you all for your support,

Amber Lamps